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brillouin zone中文是什么意思

用"brillouin zone"造句"brillouin zone"怎么读"brillouin zone" in a sentence


  • 布里渊区
  • 布利洛区
  • 布利渊区


  • Simulation of face - centered cubic lattice ' s first brillouin zone with 3 - dimensional animation
  • It is concluded that at the boundary of brillouin zone there is a strong broadening in the magnon linewidth and softening
  • By using matsubara green function theory , we have studied the magonon spectrum and calculated the magnon dispersion curve on the line in the brillouin zone for different parameters in the system
  • In addition to the strong gap - like lo1 mode and weak forbidden to1 mode , the second order raman scattering of the brillouin zone - edge phonon ( 2lo1 ( l ) mode and 2to1 ( x ) mode ) as well as the scattering of the brillouin zone - center phonon were observed . also , the nitrogen local mode ( 495 cm - 1 ) associated with the nn center and the so - called " x " mode ( 387 cm - 1 ) of the lo phonon ( manifest
    在一级喇曼散射谱中,得到了gap的lo ( p )声子峰和强度较弱的禁戒的to ( p )模,还观测到了在495cm - ,处的n的局域模和在387cm一,处的由n导致的lo ( n )声子模。
  • In this paper , we study and analysis the base distribution in human dna sequences . on the basis of the distribution sphere whose radius equal to 1 / 4 by zhang et al . expounded , with the method of plane mapping figure studying 6000 human dna sequences , and according to the figure of sierpinski gasket ' s patch and the brillouin zones of the face - centered cube , we obtain two new distribution figures , one is the frustum - octahedron , another is the regular - octahedron
    我们在zhangetal .提出的人类dna序列的碱基分布为半径是1 / 4球分布的基础上,用平面投影图的方法研究和分析了6000组人类dna序列的数据,并且根据塞尔宾斯基铺垫的补形和面心立方的布里渊区图形提出了两种新的分布图,一种是正八面体,另一种是截角八面体(十四面体) 。
用"brillouin zone"造句  


In mathematics and solid state physics, the first Brillouin zone is a uniquely defined primitive cell in reciprocal space. The boundaries of this cell are given by planes related to points on the reciprocal lattice.
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